What is your first music memory?

The first music memory I can remember is probably singing along to the Red Hot Chilli Peppers and the Foo Fighters in the car with my dad when I was a kid. They were the only 2 CD’s he had but they were great!

When did you first learn an instrument?

I picked up the ukulele when I was about 7 or 8 years old and quickly moved onto guitar from there. I started playing the drums when I was 11. I was playing guitar in a school band and would always watch the drummer and thought it looked like a lot of fun.

What drove you to practice and play when you first started out?

When I first started out I always wanted to be able to play my favourite songs and I loved being able to play along to them and slowly sound closer and closer to what the recordings sounded like.

Are you still excited about developing your craft?

Yes! I get so excited about continuing to develop my craft and getting more and more opportunities and bigger shows is always heaps of fun!

When did you first start teaching?

This is my first time teaching and I’m stoked to be able share my excitement for music and help to develop peoples musicality and creativity.

What is your advice for people learning music?

The more effort you put in, the more progress you’ll see out of it - and have as much fun as you can!


Where’s Jai - Artist Q&A


“Playing at Anime Melodies” by Moses Sulusi