Terms and conditions
Fees policy
Fees are payable strictly in advance prior to the term commencing to secure a place in a class,
If you have not paid your fees or attended class by week 3 of the term your enrolment will be deleted
No refunds are given for missed classes due to overseas trips, family holidays, school camps or birthdays etc. Refunds may be granted due to long term illness, injury or bereavement only. Medical certificates may be requested.
Only one make up class per term will be allocated to private lesson students where 6 hours notice have been given.
There will be no refund of term fees if a student leaves a class
Changing classes at any time will not incur any charges unless there is a discrepancy in the term fee.
Your enrolment will not be processed if you have an outstanding balance on your account from a previous year or term.
Classes and waiting lists
All classes have a maximum number of students. If this number is reached a waiting list will begin for new enrolments into the class. If you are added to a waiting list you will be contacted when a space becomes available for you. There will be no fees charged for being on a waiting list.
Photos and digital displays
EMA employs a professional photographer/videographer to take photos/videos throughout the year. Photos/videos throughout the year may be added to the EMA Facebook or Instagram page, please make the office aware if you or your child wishes to not be in photos/videos. Some of these photos/videos will be offered to you for purchase.
Students are not to wait outside to be picked up; they are to stay in our waiting rooms or inside the classroom. Students 15 years or above with the permission of their parents may wait outside. Teachers will remind students to wait inside, however parents must enforce this with their child. EMA cannot be held responsible for supervision outside of our building, however we will take all steps necessary to help keep your child safe.
Students 15 years or younger are not to leave the EMA building, this includes walking to the shop. This is for your child’s safety, EMA cannot be held responsible for your child once they leave our building.
You will be allocated a teacher for your lessons each week but from time to time if necessary a substitute teacher may take the class.