Meet Joshua Duting

What is your first music memory? 

  • My first ever music memory has got to be seeing my mum and her sisters play in a quartet together. I was pretty young but I was fully immersed in music since I was pretty much born which is cool.

When do you first learn an instrument? 

  • I started to learn the violin at the age of 5 cause I was always such a curious kid. There were so many instances where I would just listen to my aunty playing the violin and around the age of 3, I vaguely remember receiving a toy violin for my Christmas present which was pretty much leading me into the direction of music hence violin was my first instrument. Picked up the guitar/ vocal around 10yrs old.

What drove you to practice and play when you first started out?

  • Well, I really looked up to my mother’s side of musicians and obviously the one and only Bruno Mars. I always had that mindset that eventually I would be as good as him. If it weren’t for my parents constantly saying “push for your dreams,” then I wouldn’t have had that willing drive to practice.

Are you still excited about developing your craft? 

  • I’m very excited to develop my craft further and to create more of an impact on the younger generation with the knowledge I already know with violin, guitar and vocal.

When did you first start teaching?

  • I started teaching around 16 during high school as we had this program called “Music Buddies.” This programme was a way for experienced music students to teach kids who are keen on improving their craft, whether it was songwriting, instrument lessons etc…

What is your advice for people learning music?

  • Keep being immersed in the music that you love because it’s way more fun. There will be times when u will be constantly hit by roadblocks and challenges, just keep going because it will be worth it in the end. Also, don’t be afraid to try new things, music is like learning another language, it has countless possibilities.


Jam Night Term 1


Band holiday programme: April