Personal Development and Training
ARE YOU A Teacher?
Fun, engaging, inspiring and practical music sessions that teach singing games, rhythm games and drumming to take back to your classrooms and utlise.
Vocal health workshops will teach you how to protect your voice from overuse and give you tools to maintain vocal strength.
All content can be used with Kindergarten, Primary & Secondary level students.
Expand your repertoire to engage your students with new and exciting games, exercises, and melodic content!
You will receive a digital Certificate of Completion.
SINGING Workshops
Singing Games and Exercises - 2 hrs
Based on Kodaly and Orff Philosophies. Singing games to use in the classroom.
team work, social skills, coordination, rhythm, performance skills, speech and diction, creativity and confidence.
Intro to Singing - 2 hrs
Introduction to singing and how to incorporate it into the classroom. Basic Harmonies.
Vocal health - 2 hrs
How to breathe and sing in a healthy manner. Maintain your vocal health and avoid straining, or wear and tear on the voice.
Managing A Shared Lesson Environment
How to teach a small group of students a musical activity.
Lesson Prep
Managing Multiple Students in a Class
Music and Relationship
How to play 4 chords and apply to songs
How to tune your instrument
How to care for your instrument
2 popular strumming patterns
Length of time: 2 hrs
Drum Workshops
Body Percussion - 2 hrs
We don’t need drums to create a rhythmic sound, we can do this simply by using our hands, feet and voice. These exercises are a great way to start a morning, during a break or as a refresher and with no resources required, are an easy addition to any classroom.
Hand Drumming - 2 hrs
Develop rhythmic skills and teamwork by learning to play a mix of rhythms and music in sync with each other on hand drums/percussion.
Bucket Drums - 2 hrs
Experience learning a mix of key drumming fundamentals including Rudiments, Beats and Contemporary Songs. Bucking drumming is high energy with benefits both physically and mentally