We offer Online lessons to anyone in our community who needs them so that we can continue to learn, create and share with one another in these unprecedented times.
Who can have Online Lessons?
ANYONE AND EVERYONE wanting to learn Drums, Guitar/Ukulele/Bass, Singing, Piano, Violin and/or Music Theory
Download the zoom app and create a free account. You will only have to do this the first lesson.
Please be ready to start your lesson 5 minutes prior.
Test your sound, speakers, equipment, tune your instrument.
Please set your Zoom audio settings to these requirements.
Parents/ caregivers will need to be present for the lesson to help - especially with young children.
Your teacher will then be in their usual teaching room, at your regular lesson time, ready to talk you through your lesson.
Your teachers URL will be the same each week. It is unique to them.
Simply click on the links for your teacher and follow the directions.
The teacher will not be able to add you - you need to add yourself.
They will then accept your request and lessons will commence.
Please save the URL somewhere safe that is easy to find as you will be using it on the regular. Alternatively refer back to this webpage to connect through.
If you are connecting from the website: www.zoom.us then you will need to click "Join A Meeting" and add their meeting ID number. This is the 10 digits found at the end of your teachers URL or name below.
Your instrument - tuned and ready to rock
Speakers - for backing tracks
A device: laptop, smart phone or iPad.
Your video settings ON so we can see you. If you are in a group - please have them MUTED.
Your books, pen and paper for notes and homework
A quiet space to work from where you will not be interrupted
Lessons will start on time and will end on time.
If you are running late we will be unable to make that time up - just like in your usual lessons.
Please be prompt to your online sessions and ready to start especially if you are participating in a group lesson where it'll be quite disruptive if you were to join late.
The teacher will not repeat the content covered.
Just like your class, it is a requirement for parents to be present, available and involved. The same goes for at home online lessons. Parents need to be visible on the screen when conference calling and ready to help the student point out directions on their hand, clap rhythms and follow instruction. It is crucial for the parents to be hands on as you are the driving force behind the ongoing learning at home.
If you are attending an online Group Piano lesson and you are able to connect two devices that would be ideal. One should show the keyboard/ piano and one your face.
Alternatively you will need to move your device depending on what you are needing to show. E.g. when you are asked to play a piece you will need to reposition your computer camera to the keys so they can be seen clearly.
Your teacher will be connecting their laptop and then their phone. One will show the piano keys and the other their face. You could do this yourself at home too.
Drummers, if you don’t have a kit at home DO NOT STRESS. We are well aware it is an expensive instrument to invest in however we can continue your lessons at home on your practice pad. If you don’t have a practice pad, for whatever reason, please let me know and I can organise one for you to collect from the office this week. They are $38 to purchase.
We just need to see you and/or your guitar. Ideally have speakers or a device that you can play music through. If you don’t then we can get creative.
“The online lessons worked really well! Lawson loved seeing Jesse’s face again, he misses him lots. Eliette’s team is amazing.”
“My zoom singing lesson last night was awesome! I was pretty hesitant at first but Vesa made me feel comfortable and I ended up loving it!”
“The zoom lesson worked really well and Teia was great. As always, she kept it upbeat and made the kids laugh and have fun.”
Frances, parent