Meet Chris Dent

What is your first music memory? 

  • My first music memory was Symphony In The Park that used to happen at the Domain in Auckland… We drove down from my hometown in Northland just for it! The specific memory is when they played the 1812 Overture with real cannons… The sound was crazy.. There were fireworks and lasers too which helps it stick in my brain.


When did you learn your first instrument?

  • I’ve been singing my whole life. Apparently, I’d walk around as a three-year-old just making up my own songs. After that, I had piano lessons but never really got into it, once I got my hands on a guitar though it became an instant companion. I was 11 or 12 when that happened.


What drove you to practice and play when you first started out?

  • Honestly, I was really quite slack. I did singing competitions and we had to practice for those.. Once I picked up the guitar I’d practice a lot if I found a song I cared about, I’d spend a lot of time just noodling I think. But I dunno if that counts… it wasn’t until I was an adult that I realised the importance of practicing and something I now enjoy doing on a daily basis.

Are you still excited about developing your craft? 

  • Oh yeah! Every chance I get. Whether it’s a songwriting session with someone new, or a singing lesson. Basically, I wanna learn how to do better always! There’s always so much room for growth. Funnily, the better I get, the more I realise I need to practice!


When did you first start teaching?

  • Near the end of 2021! I took an instant liking to the role! I’ve taught one on one and group lessons in Piano, Guitar and Voice.


What is your advice for people learning music?

  • Find the time to practice, and learn the peaceful nature of finding small things to improve and nailing them. A great musician is built on a foundation of thousands of small improvements and when everything comes together it’s incredibly satisfying!


5 Tips for guitarist


Backbeat bar gig